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Showing posts from September, 2013


Its an end of an age. A period of my life. When I wrote my first post it was the end of school life and was getting prepared to step into the world of unkown. Today when I write this post its the end of that beautiful three graduation years. The completion of the basic education of an individual. And now I am stepping into the life of university. A different feeling altogether. Making new friends again. New faces to interact with. New problems to adjust with. A new lifestyle. New routine. And most importantly a new opportunity to make my extended family grow bigger! Yet after all these years it doesnt feel that long ago when I was holding my father's hand and waited for my school bus to come. Today also I stand on the same bus stand, independent, waiting for my career bus to drop me somewhere I'd be happy to go!   Years pass too quickly for us. And it wont be long before my university days also get over and I move on to  bag in some more degrees. So in this race of life nothing