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Showing posts with the label NEW BEGINING

My City

Kolkata on postcard Kolkata Postcards photographs by Nemai Ghosh published by Starmark True to its title, the City of Joy as coined by the French author Dominique Lapierre, knows how to celebrate every victory, every win, even daily life. All my years in this city, it has taught me to LLC (Love, Live and Care).  There was a time when I wanted to leave. All my friends used to keep complaining about the faults of this city and they still do. Giving the idea that all this city did was to make you knock door for work and yet no opportunity came knocking on the door. I was influenced and I also wanted to leave.  On such an odd tiring day, after coming back home, my grandfather called me in his study. As I entered, the whole room was spread with the prints of photographs of his City taken by him. As I carefully positioned my stepping through the room, I fell in love with his City. So much known yet so unknown.  Later his idea got transformed into the 'Kolkata' Coffee Table Book and p


It's that time of the year again. The cycle of 365 days got over and a new cycle started. Happy new Year to everyone reading and also to those not reading. For some this year will bring opportunities and successes, planning ahead in their lives and how to reach new goals again make fresh resolutions or renew the previous ones and for some....well some are just glad they could make this far. The year 2016 was very important to me for a variety of reasons. No...I didn't accomplish any university degree like the previous one but the education was not the bookish one this year. Being able to stand for myself and being able to speak for myself and face the core problems or obstacles in my life was a major inner achievement. However I have a long road to go on that sphere but this year was a start to that journey. This year gave me an insight on some people whom I dearly held close and also brought me close to people who I felt were mere strangers! Sometimes growing up make

Wake Up

Wake up. Its early in the morning. I can see the sky through the bedroom window, changing colours. So many colours blended together so well. The darkness of the night is slowly turning into the brightness of the day. The silence of the night I can hear no more, are the birds waking up? or are they chirping to wake us up? The earth smells fresh The air feels fresh so I should freshen up and get ready for the day. Sipping on my green tea trying to recollect what unfinished work I had yesterday, I suddenly recollected my last night's dream. Dream of being big. Dream of achieving all my wishes one day. Dream of getting real. Dream that always brings a smile to my face. Dreams shouldn't be shared,everyone says, they don't come true then! So I kept the dream to myself. The day went on in its own pace. Every turn I take hitting hard on the dream I dreamt. Pushing me back into the reality of life, getting their joys from hammering on my dream. The

Do you love a woman?

I do... I did... Yes, Loved  Had deeply fallen in love when I had a broken heart  and she happened to me. And today when I am thinking about her  with a broken finger this time, It brings an inextricable smile on my face! That was a time long ago... I knew her from my school days  met her here and there  and then it was in grad school when I found her in front of the main gate I was so delighted to know  that I already have a friend...a person I'm acquainted with before. I brought her to my coaching class and then the whole story began Together the lanes we walked, the classes we went, and library study was an excuse for us  to gossip and gossip about everything but useful things ! We pledged our lives to be together,  We proposed each other. Her neighborhood seemed like mine as I was to be always found there And my house seemed no more mine as it became ours. everywhere it was her aura though we spoke about him  a

Pour Vous - for you.....

You are the strength of my weakness being the success of all my failures and the smile to all my tears u are the light of all the darkness and the focus of the distorted blur being the force of the motion u are the one in the crowd I dream to be with You are that person who knew me best when I was at my worst held my hand at every step making me your own at every step my heart cries to shout out loud to the world who u are to me what u are to me how you happened to be with me when I was losing all hopes with every lost hope you brought the strength in me giving me my own self by letting yourself go. loving every step with u and i wanted to say this to u thatswhy today i write again that I LOVE YOU when even the world may go against us I will be happy just holding u with the calmness in u no complications no compromises no sacrifices no lies with the freedom of our individualities we will be the blissful souls of al

Ti amo

Took a deep breath and looked at mirror . Finally believing that I am looking presentable enough walked out of home. I was expecting you'd be late and was thinking whether I should react on that or not. How should I start the conversation. Was this meeting required. Would you be the way you are over the phone or like I had seen you in our rare acquaintances during our college classes behaving like a senior, with glimpses of superiority and a dominant attitude demanding respect. Or would you shed all that and meet me as a humble person.Why am I even seeing you. Well, no this is not nervousness. I was just clearing things for myself. It was over weeks that we had started talking regularly. We had been sharing our daily schedule and it was time that we should step out of the visual world. I didn't want to drink alone so I had invited you to give me some company. Sometimes you need to meet people and make friends coming out of your own circle just to feel better. As I was thi