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Fear of Failure!

I am terrified. I don't know what will happen. Every decision of mine depends on the result that will be declared this weekend. The twenty fifth of February twenty seventeen will decide a lot of major things for me. I wont say it will decide my fate or destiny but it will surely show me how I am faring in whatever I want to do or should I just restart again. I hope the effort made last year will bear fruits this weekend. If I succeed I would know that my strategy was right and if I do not succeed then I still have to learn a lot more. Ha! All that is nice to write but the reality is something else! I can't think of failure. It brings the shivers in me. Its worse than experiencing ghosts! Its like falling from a never ending cliff without any parachutes and you don't know when you are going to hit the ground. If failure was a person I can't face him. I am so intimidated by him! I'd run from him the first chance I get. I have escaped and detoured from all th

First Man I ever loved!

Did you walk those lanes From where once our world was born I'm still stuck on those lanes From where I started off with you The silence of the neighborhood is appalling From where to start  to tell you  what all happened with me  I cant decide! When you left me taking all your presence but silence Even the river flows silently here only there is the echo of our laughter  from the last game we played as a family A Complete Family! The silence is even tired of its silence and wants to break itself  But the struggle is never ending It feels like a parallel world running  it goes with the same timeline  but only running in past A part of me is still the 9 years old yearning to get scolded for all the mischief committed and the surprise treats  Yes I admit it I loved falling sick  for the little surprise treats brought me the joy of a lifetime Today standing in the crossroads  I understand the value of  every lit

Love.Life.Lie.....ummm Lie?!#

How big can a lie be? Can a lie be big enough to be lied to or lied for? What sort of relationship is it when you have to lie or being lied? What is true and lie who is to decide? Is it not only us who separate the truth from the lie?  If after a certain doing we forget about that and do not say it to anybody because quite obviously we have forgotten about it then can such an incident be termed as a lie? Then, can such a person be termed as a liar? Whereas, when a person remains silent at a point of giving a decision his/her silence is taken as an affirmative decision. So, in such a case can silence be termed as a lie? Who is a liar? Who knows what the truth is? Who knows the actual incidence of the things, which includes the circumstances, the environment, the emotional status, and everything else related directly or indirectly? One event is interpreted in a thousand ways by a thousand people. So how can we say what is the true occurrence of an event?