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Showing posts with the label SEMANTIC SPACES

Fear of Failure!

I am terrified. I don't know what will happen. Every decision of mine depends on the result that will be declared this weekend. The twenty fifth of February twenty seventeen will decide a lot of major things for me. I wont say it will decide my fate or destiny but it will surely show me how I am faring in whatever I want to do or should I just restart again. I hope the effort made last year will bear fruits this weekend. If I succeed I would know that my strategy was right and if I do not succeed then I still have to learn a lot more. Ha! All that is nice to write but the reality is something else! I can't think of failure. It brings the shivers in me. Its worse than experiencing ghosts! Its like falling from a never ending cliff without any parachutes and you don't know when you are going to hit the ground. If failure was a person I can't face him. I am so intimidated by him! I'd run from him the first chance I get. I have escaped and detoured from all th


We were playing upon the sands by the sea, Talking, laughing, reflecting When all of a sudden I couldn't see you, I thought you were lost forever....... That you were drowning ..... I was frantic, I was scared with the fear of losing you!! I dived into the waves, again and again, Searching for you in vain.............. When I had given up hope and Decided to drown forever too, I saw you standing on the sands Calling me from behind," Here I am!!" Telling me that you were never lost in the ocean of infinity. That you were always with me with a cheeky smile on your face............... Then I woke up in the dream Before me lay empty pages and a pen But Words weren't enough, To tell what I had seen, Words were imperfect, empty and blank for me!! I lay down the pen, And only the empty pages were at all, And then I felt the feelings of me with an empty space Empty pages Empty spaces Semantic spaces are