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Ti amo

Took a deep breath and looked at mirror . Finally believing that I am looking presentable enough walked out of home.
I was expecting you'd be late and was thinking whether I should react on that or not. How should I start the conversation. Was this meeting required. Would you be the way you are over the phone or like I had seen you in our rare acquaintances during our college classes behaving like a senior, with glimpses of superiority and a dominant attitude demanding respect. Or would you shed all that and meet me as a humble person.Why am I even seeing you.
Well, no this is not nervousness. I was just clearing things for myself. It was over weeks that we had started talking regularly. We had been sharing our daily schedule and it was time that we should step out of the visual world.
I didn't want to drink alone so I had invited you to give me some company. Sometimes you need to meet people and make friends coming out of your own circle just to feel better.
As I was thinking all this and walking towards the spot where we were suppose to meet I saw you waving across the road. I was about to cross but soon you were on my side.
We smiled.
Started walking and I saw you shifting sides while we were talking and I was on the footpath side.

Pulling the door before me while entering the bar, getting the chair for me, letting me choose my drink, giving me space yet an aura of protection around you, listening carefully to every word I spoke, you had a way different from others and I was able to connect.....but I kept restraining myself. Cause I knew, I thought, I believed that I can't fall in love with another man. I might like you but I loved him. I pushed all my limits for him....I have spend all these years just in his dreams. And its not possible that love can happen twice.

Well, that's for time to see and decide. We kept meeting and our meeting frequency started increasing and soon we were seeing each other everyday for one excuse or another. I knew I enjoyed your company. You made me feel good and laughed out loud like a kid. Its strange that you found me funny cause he never did. I felt I got my rhymes back. I could see it was beginning again.....and I didn't want to stop it.
Taking things with the flow I didn't want to face it either.
What I did all these years was thinking all love ever does is break, burn and end.
Love comes to one in different ways....
People find love in the weirdest of places when I watched it begin on a Sunday evening in a bar over beer ....
Two broken hearts....coming together to mend each other.
Knowing well the pain of betrayal and loss but past is past.
A promise made to fill in the cracks....
And you sang to me your song...our first song.

I couldn't hold back myself any more  I knew the strings with him had broken long time back after enduring excess tension and it was the marks from all that stress that remained but I should not let it linger any further.

We walked down the path and I almost brought him up when you changed the topic and we spoke about movies.
Then for the first time you said "We can find tomorrow what we lost yesterday....I can't forget you. What's gone cannot be undone but I am here to stay not to fool. Cause I love you!"

Freezing me on an autumn evening, you kept staring at me for an answer. I couldn't utter a sound as you saw my answer reflecting through my eyes. Your arms around me like I am in a castle, secured for the last time. You wiped away my tears........


  1. heart out straight .. good thinking !! :-)

  2. Smooth as always. Like a Novel. It took sometime.

  3. like it....remind me some old memories


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