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Constant Change

Do you really get what you want? Or do you get what you deserve? The faith in you to reach there The finishing line, can you ever touch? The race gets to you at some point  And you start running in circles to catch the feather hanging at an arm's distance But don't you know, that chord is attached to you? The faster you run yet you cannot reach it and still run in circles! Look around you, all the moving wheels and the circles round and about  around you....rotating and changing Change is the only constant they say but what is the change? our body shapes our habits our environment our feelings our hormones our movements our ideas our ideologies our goals our love US? You? Yes you, the one reading this.....and also writing this You have also changed You are no more the same, from the one ten years back you don't care about the world, and don't wear makeup to hide the scar of that fall  you don't care about others' validation and don't wear to impress but to u