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Life is changing again........The clouds are moving away........the sun is shinning bright and I am no more numb!!
I got someone who is in true love with me.....doesn't care about my past and what he knows that is he wants to be my present and we together will make our future..........
I feel the pains and sufferings that I had to go through all these 5 years are now vanishing and now again I am falling in love...........
He is my luck, my fortune, my love and now my life.............. From the day I met him it seemed as if my luck is again shinning on me....................Exam went well, got through the college I wanted to be in and now again I am smiling forgetting my past.....I feel so light cause now he is living in my heart................

Sometimes I am just scared that may be all this is unreal and a dream and I don't wanna wake up from this dream..............................

Love at first sight seemed to be a joke for me can any body fall in love just at the first can be a crush not love but until the thing happens to oneself it is hard to believe that such things not only exists in stories and tales but they also happen for real..............

I am completely and slowly falling for him .................

I am in love and now he is my present and will be my happiness now is lies with him...............


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