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The world all over seems so different....
And I feel so tired being here.....suppressed by all my childish fears.....
I used to get captivated by your resonating light.....
and now I am bound by the life that you have left behind and moved away way far......................
But your presence still lingers here and it wont leave me alone.......
I have tried so hard to tell that you are gone bot still I keep on looking , searching and hoping that 1 day you might return....................

"These wounds wont seem to heal, this pain is just too real,
There's just too much that time cannot erase"

But still, never giving up, still hoping 1 day....... things will change and be the way I want them to be, 'm looking at the brighter side of all negative things around..........




My college, which literally sucked the 1st day, is now the best place on earth.........

New friends and meeting new people everyday, new teachers, new environment.......every little thing about my college is just awsm.............yet I still o miss my old old friends.........
"Pink" is my new'st closest bet pal.......and I totally feel that our friendship was decided and planned beforehand by Him.......cause I met her so many times, and we bounced onto each other so many times yet none took the initiative to talk with one another and know each other until that day when she came up to me to take my cell number for some notes.....and from then the sparks of our friendship flew!!
Being with her, spending time with her makes me feel so much back into life and out of my blue days...........
Bunking lectures, going to college yet not attending the classes, even bunking college and going to the mall and theatre hall for movies and addas in CCD and Barista with her.....I feel alive and so full of life with her.....enjoying college life to the core. . .
Talking about all the incidents of our lives sharing the happiness and sadness and all the pain that we have gone through all these years...........
She understands my pain and I also feel her state cause we discovered that we are in the same point in our respective lives!!....confused.....lonely.......something missing even after having everything.
I held your hand all these years........but still you have all of me.........
"These wounds wont seem to heal, this pain is just too real,
There's just too much that time cannot erase"


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