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Life is unpredictable...and weird....when things were going perfectly fine everything suddenly just messed up. ..all the perfection...everything just gone.....

I don't understand how to explain cause even after so many months I found myself back exactly in the same position in life from where I had once started....

I thought him to be the ONE with whom I can spend my life without complaining...but surely that's not what my destiny wanted...

I still respect him for his values and will always be thankful to him for whatever he has done for me...and all those cherishing moments together....but whatever it was between wasn't love that is for sure. Cause every time I was with him I unconsciously always tried to find you in him. I was never able to forget you and erase you from the pages of my life....I tried hard but every time I was disappointed. I tried my best to fall in love with him and for that I tried all possibilities. Dedicating my blogs to him, writing articles on him, constructing poems for him, tried even proclaiming my affection for him to the whole world....but everything was in vain. Love surely cant be forced onto. Though now the world started believing that I had forgotten you but inside I know still now how much I miss you.

With him it was just a relationship that I kept hanging onto....I gave my cent percent to it...(but it was just 100% of my mind that I gave in it) everyday made myself understand, giving reasons to myself for why I should love him and not leave him...and be happy with him in my life....but surely a relationship needs Love most importantly....other than compromising and sacrificing for the partner's happiness......
Just simply a four letter word is strong enough to keep a relationship last forever and that is LOVE....and that is the very thing that lacked in my relationship...

It has always been you,The Hero of my life......but I knew you were happy with didn't need me....and I just wanted to see you happy.... So I just tried my best to go away from you. And that's why I thought if I could be with someone who would love me much then it would be easier for me to go away from you...... That was so stupid of me to think. Though I found that "someone" in him but it was of no use. I only ended up hurting him more cause I failed to understand that it is not possible to love anybody without a heart. Unfortunately I don't have the heart to love.
I had loved you and you broke my heart....and even then every broken piece of my heart has your reflection .
He did hold my hand at all times. Made me feel secured when I was shaken. Brought back my self confidence and made me feel as if I'M THE ONE. He tried to make me happy at all possible corners of life but all his hard work drained down the shores. One day he will thank me for what I have done to him cause he would have never been happy with me. I could have never loved him. Long back all my happiness had been stamped by your name with the permanent ink. How much ever anybody tried to erase and wash off the ink ,the mark always remained. I had asked him whether he would be able to be with me at all times but unfortunately I was the one to leave his hand and leave him...letting him go off me.......I was the one to break the promises that I made to him cause I couldn't love him.....never felt for him... The fault was in me. And I AM SORRY.
Just to see a smile on your face I was ready to spend my life with him cause I know you also wanted me to be happy just like I did....and as you couldn't be with me you didn't mind me with him. Though every time you saw me with him.....there was a pang of pain in your face that reflected from your smile.

I 'm lost here in this moment and time keeps sweeping by....It got harder everyday......I tried to live without you... but tears fall from my eyes..I'm alone and I feel empty....I'm torn apart inside.
I always hoped you doing fine without me when I stared at the stars.....

Still now nothing changed and no one can take your place.

"love is the endless mystery, for it has nothing to explain it.Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom.Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." And so it is extremely hard to explain.

So I will stop trying to forget you or go away from you.....though I know you may not ever come back. But the feelings I have for you are irrecoverable and every time I try to go away from you I end up hurting somebody else. So now I will proudly live my life with your picture framed in my soul...

"The greatest distance in this world is not that between living and death, it is when I am just before you, and you don't know that I love you" and I will let it that way.

"Love can touch us one time
and last for a life time....
and never let go till we are gone...
love was when I loved you
one true time.....
I hold u.....
In my life will love thence will go on...
near far wherever you are.....
I believe that the heart does go on...
once more you open the door....
and you are here in my heart.....
and my heart will go on and on.....

"Yes,the morning light has flooded my eyes-this is nothing but my love,oh beloved of my heart, this is my message to thy heart. Thy face is bent from above, thy eyes look down on my eyes, and my heart has touched thy feet"
~ Rabindranath Tagore.


  1. Brilliant!!!! Wish he does read it n undrstnds!!!!


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