Its raining. I can smell the earth just as the drop of rain kisses the ground.....and the view of the earthen soil slowly getting soaked in the rain water. The wind has an earthen taste in it. Cool breeze touches my forehead n plains out all the stress lines...sweeps off my tears with its flow.....and yet another drop of tear makes its own path down my cheeks and slowly falls down making friendship with the rain. It rains day and night. And I stare outside the window ...blank. Too many thoughts cloud my mind . Too clumsy to distinctly separate them. So many ideas rush into my little brain at one point of time, And the next minute I feel so blank. The clouds draw up close and it gets more dark. I feel dark too....mixed feelings clouding my heart. It seems as if the Sky is in war with the Land. One showing how much it can pour and the other showing its power to soak down the downpour. At home day and night. Confi...
I write as I feel...I write as I think...