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Letter to my future self.

Dear Me,

I hope you are doing well! I know you have made through it! I wonder what the world is around you now! Maybe you are in a different city, in a different country! Hopefully, not in a different world! I surely can't be living upto the time when they finally make Mars possible for civilization!

Well, wherever you are, however you are, I hope you are doing well! I know you have these sudden fits of sadness that wrap you and you don't feel like going further anymore. I know how you feel and for your those times, I am writing to you. You read this and remember what you have gone through and how far you have come. You have never given up before and you can't give up now!

Do you remember, the nights you have spent planning your future! Filled pages in your diary with the things you wanted from yourself, from your life.

Do you remember, you always wanted to give your loved ones a better life. You have given up on so many dreams and chosen the dreams that were more practical for them!

Do you remember, when you had to move out of your ancestral house and you lived in a rented place for so many months, till you could get your own place.

Do you remember moving in your own place, and the many months you took to design the place like you had been writing in your diary since your childhood!

Do you remember going for your first ever family safari in the jungle and for the first time when you saw the big cat! The first ever tiger sighting you had, you couldn't sleep for two nights!

Do you remember making a promise to yourself of not driving till you had your own car and then finally purchasing your first car.

Do you remember your convocation day! I know your mother couldn't be there but you know the reason. She had an operation just a week ago. She was advised to not fly so close post operation!

Do you remember saving the franky, the parrot fish. The shifting of houses had taken a real toll on his health. He had turned black from the stress and you had to feed him lightly blanched green peas. The local aquarists had already given up hope and after a tiring two weeks you could finally see signs of him getting better. He has been a long companion! Does he still ruin your aquarium scape?

Do you remember your first job and the first promotion when you had the least expectation.

Do you remember leaving your first job, for the company you had initially started studying for your professional degree!

Do you remember the first day at work! Oh! You had a terrible washroom incident where you hadn't locked the door and it was opened by someone! I know, in your defense you will say that you thought you had locked it, but just didn't know the locks didn't work that way! You had an embarrassed red face the whole day!

Do you remember the first assignment! It seemed like a never ending job but you made it possible!

Do you remember the year when everything seemed to have gone wrong! The dreaded year of 2020 which had decently started for you but as the months passed by it seemed like everyone was slipping away! The loss of your Grand-dad just few days before your birthday! I know you still feel like he will be there when you enter his Study. You have never been good with dealing with the loss of your dear ones. You always feel like one day you will meet them. May be you will!

Do you remember that year when the whole world was on a lock down. Everything had come to a standstill! The world was working from home half the year and our new soldiers were the doctors, medical workers, bankers, policemen, news reporters and all those people who were working to keep the necessities flowing. Everyone locked in their homes and many homeless. People lost their jobs, many didn't have anything to eat. Everyone was fighting an invisible enemy, the Novel Coronavirus. The world had come together, by falling apart to fight this nature's bio weapon.

I don't know whether we will be surviving this pandemic.

Yes! I am hopeful we will be surviving this and that is why I am writing to you from the comfort of my home. You have been strong so far and I know where you have gone, you have proven your strength. You will be able to work through this as well. Life has been a hard teacher but you have proven to be a good student.

You don't have to worry about what is going to happen next. Just do what you do best and always know that I am with you.

With lots of love,


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