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Growing with time.......

"Chalte raho, apne rah pe chalte raho".....these words mean a lot. Life till now has given me a lot

though I still haven't much seen of has also taken away a lot of precious things from me.

"Whatever happens happens for the good" my mother keeps on telling me this. Life never stops

for any body...time never waits for anybody. Its up to us whether we can keep pace with it and

move with time or else lay back and watch time moving ahead of us.

You are gone.. now I have moved on in life..... I tried to hold time in the fist of

my hand.....didn't want to face the practicality of life. I wanted to remain the teenage school

girl...momma's little daughter forever...n just freeze the time in my past.

Obviously that surely wasn't possible and I had to open my eyes.....see the practical life.

It is not easy accepting the things the way they are now but its not even that hard.....

I have started to see things differently than the way I used to see them before...

Loving a different person......being more responsible towards my duties to everyone

else.....forgiving people for their mistakes.....flying with the wind yet knowing where to make my

limit.......planning for a future.....I have started understanding where I stand today and where I

have to goal.....

I don't know how much I will be successful in what I think I wanna be but for sure m not gonna

give up in the mid-way. However hard it may be however weak I may get I will not let my

weakness take over me......

After you were gone....I found my strength in him.....I dont know him for long though but still he

has been different from all my past crushes n flings.....even different than the feelings that i had

for you.........I cant say or proclaim that he is my true love or the Mr. Perfect Or Mr. Right

(whatever nowadays thee little girls name there dream man to be) for me but whatever he is he

has brought a change in me. Whatever i think today, however I think today its all cause of him...

The value of honesty, the value of independence,the value of a true relationship , everything he

has made me understand. I respect him and today at present I Love him and I know I love him

more than I loved anybody....his presence and existence in my life has given me back my lost

confidence on myself. I feel protected when I am with him. He has brought me a sense of

security.(a lot more is there which cannot be expressed in mere simple English words).

So many and thousands of questions that I had in my mind , all those questions which kept

revolving in my mind , i feel that they are without the use of speech yet are all answered. The

typical, unexplainable turmoil in me which made me feel restless, made me lose hope n kept me

bound in my past all that are just gone......vanished. I feel rest....(though not dead

yet :p)

Life has changed, I have changed yet m still the same, I have got the reason of my existence and

now my world revolves around the person i have the most affection for.......

You are now just another friend of mine and will remain and still I will continue sharing my

stories with you

but the most important person in my life now is him..........

Whatever happens actually happens for the good and that's a true proverb said by someone I

don't know.

"Now I know how much it means.....

for you to stay right here with me....

As the path we walk ,our love will grow stronger...

I wanna grow old with you...

I wanna die lying in your arms...

I wanna be looking in your eyes....

I wanna be there for you...

Sharing everything you do....

The feelings are real.....

I wanna be with you....

I wanna see the time grow with you....."

dedicated to the love of my love........


  1. life is short but this time make it bigger !!!!!

  2. ya true....trying to.....

  3. Shubhankar Adhikari28/2/11 2:52 AM

    sometimes what we want in life we do not get or what we get we do not want them. but however in course of time they become the bestest thing & a major part in our life. Actually life is full of events, ups & downs, wonderful moments or problems. they all come in their god-stated schedules...& either we win them or they win us! Like you & me every ill-fated creatures in the world have the foolish urge to rewind their life & change everything from childhood or atleast relive the school or college days...or to remain an innocent child forever,where broken toys & scratched knees were somehow better than wounded hearts!! ohh god...someone should have invented a time machine!!

    Don't know why i am writing all this craps...i just have got some time to kill or may be your writing reminds me my college days!

    Anyways,my sincere good wishes will always be with you for your new phase of life.
    As Rukhmini said-life is short & this time live it bigger...ofcourse live it bigger this time & live it with full dignity & defeat all the problems those come in your way.
    ..just promise one thing that you will never give up writing...

  4. thanks a lot and ton ...Sir!! You could take out sometime whether just to kill time may be ...but still...... and had the patience to go through my blog and all wat I wrote ...thanks a lot Sir!!

    And most importantly you liked wat i wrote ....that's a great thing for me...!! and yes Sir I do promise with my studies and all that pressure in life I will still continue writing and never give up on that.
    Thank you sir....Once again....


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