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Whiskey love......

Whiskey love.....

She put him out, like a burning end of a midnight cigarette.....she broke his


He spend his whole life to forget.

And we watched him drink his pain away.. little at a time..but he never could get drunk enough

to get her off his mind.

Until that night...when he put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger..n finally drank away

his is short..but this time it was bigger than the strength he had to get up on his


we found him with his face down the pillow...with the note that said that "I'll love her till I die!!"

and we burried him beneath the willow, where the angels cried.."its the whiskey love of life"....

The rumors flew... but nobody knew how she blamed herself...for using you.....

she tried to hide her whiskey on her breadth. she finally drank her pain..little at a time..but

never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind...until the night....when she put that bottle

to her head and pulled the trigger .....n finally drank away his memory.

Life is short but this time it was bigger than the strength she had to get up on her knees....we

found her with her face down in the pillow..clinging to his picture for his life...we laid her next to

him beneath the willow, where angels cried .."its the whiskey love of life!!"

Love burns , takes away life life.....

Love rejoices, soothens the broken.........


  1. whiskey lullaby....
    shopno joto aaka ache
    chari paashe rakha ache
    ghum bhangle sokal hoye
    tobu se je boshe roye..
    ke jane ki ashaye....


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