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Showing posts from 2011


The beauty of the earthen silence... The silence of the dark cold winter night... The hues of morning blues The light of the morning sky ... The cry of  the new born baby The sound of the engine starting... The overfilled love rejoiced The boiling milk spilled over... The craziness of the lovers The illogical logic of the heart... The lullaby of the dreams The dreams yet to be dreamt... The hopes of the future The future unpredictable... The sound of the waves violent The violent fights witnessed everyday.... The sound of the applauding audience The echo of a shattered loser... The joy of the winning trophy The tears of losing everything... The love yet to be confessed The love lost to someone else... The chill of the winter nights The sweat of the summer cloudless days.... The murmur of the wind brushing your cheeks The smoke forming rings out of your lips.... The tear of exchanging hearts The tear o


Its raining. I can smell the earth just as the drop of rain kisses the ground.....and the view of the earthen soil slowly getting soaked in the rain water. The wind has an earthen taste in it. Cool breeze touches my forehead n plains out all the stress lines...sweeps off my tears with its flow.....and yet another drop of tear makes its own path down my cheeks and slowly falls down making friendship with the rain. It rains day and night. And I stare outside the window ...blank. Too many thoughts cloud my mind . Too clumsy to distinctly separate them. So many ideas rush into my little brain at one point of time, And the next minute I feel so blank. The clouds draw up close and it gets more dark. I feel dark too....mixed feelings clouding my heart. It seems as if the Sky is in war with the Land. One showing how much it can pour and the other showing its power to soak down the downpour. At home day and night. Confi

Better Friend

The season of summer vacations in schools and colleges, humid and tiring afternoon, dark hot nights, early mornings....and the hardcore season of hard work has arrived. These passing by days reminds me of our old past gone by times. I was small and so were you. You were from a different school and so was I. I was immature unlike you. You were shy and so was I. We walked down the same lane twice and thrice....yet again... Killing time with your jokes and my laughter. Even shy to take back my pen from the fear that I might touch your finger. Smile at each other without any reason and our friends teasing us. Clarifying your maths problems with the teacher cause you were too shy to even show them to her and tell her that you didn't understand. Going out late from my home so that I reach my class late cause you were stuck in a traffic jam. Not going to the classes, making excuses of stomach ache and headache cause I knew that you were not coming. Attending classes even in high


Life is unpredictable...and weird ....when things were going perfectly fine everything suddenly just messed up. ..all the perfection...everything just gone..... I don't understand how to explain cause even after so many months I found myself back exactly in the same position in life from where I had once started.... I thought him to be the ONE with whom I can spend my life without complaining...but surely that's not what my destiny wanted... I still respect him for his values and will always be thankful to him for whatever he has done for me...and all those cherishing moments together....but whatever it was between wasn't love that is for sure. Cause every time I was with him I unconsciously always tried to find you in him. I was never able to forget you and erase you from the pages of my life....I tried hard but every time I was disappointed. I tried my best to fall in love with him and for that I tried all possibilities. Dedicating my blogs to him, writing art


I know how to find the answers.... I know how to spread my wings and fly with you...... I know when I look around I will find you.... I know the world is round... I know that you are always around... I know that you have changed me and....... I know that the time is gonna pass by.... and I know that I m never gonna tell you the things that I got to tell you ..... but I have to give it a try..... And out of all the things that i know ... I still don't know how to leave you... I don't know how to keep you apart........ and I don't know how you do it..... make me fall in love with you every time I am with you... and every time it feels new......out of all the fights that we have....all the quarrels and arguments we go through....yet you make me love you more and more with every passing day...that we spend together. When there is love everywhere.....and all these moments around us.....I want to hold you in my arms...and count the seconds in your breath..... Hear your heart beat

Growing with time.......

"Chalte raho, apne rah pe chalte raho".....these words mean a lot. Life till now has given me a lot though I still haven't much seen of has also taken away a lot of precious things from me. "Whatever happens happens for the good" my mother keeps on telling me this. Life never stops for any body...time never waits for anybody. Its up to us whether we can keep pace with it and move with time or else lay back and watch time moving ahead of us. You are gone.. now I have moved on in life..... I tried to hold time in the fist of my hand.....didn't want to face the practicality of life. I wanted to remain the teenage school girl...momma's little daughter forever...n just freeze the time in my past. Obviously that surely wasn't possible and I had to open my eyes.....see the practical life. It is not easy accepting the things the way they are now but its not even that hard..... I have started to see things differently than the

Whiskey love......

Whiskey love..... She put him out, like a burning end of a midnight cigarette.....she broke his heart. He spend his whole life to forget. And we watched him drink his pain away.. little at a time..but he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind. Until that night...when he put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger..n finally drank away his is short..but this time it was bigger than the strength he had to get up on his knees..... we found him with his face down the pillow...with the note that said that "I'll love her till I die!!" and we burried him beneath the willow, where the angels cried.."its the whiskey love of life".... The rumors flew... but nobody knew how she blamed herself...for using you..... she tried to hide her whiskey on her breadth. she finally drank her pain..little at a time..but never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind...until the night....when she put that bottle to her head and pulled the tri