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I know how to find the answers.... I know how to spread my wings and fly with you...... I know when I look around I will find you.... I know the world is round... I know that you are always around... I know that you have changed me and....... I know that the time is gonna pass by.... and I know that I m never gonna tell you the things that I got to tell you ..... but I have to give it a try..... And out of all the things that i know ... I still don't know how to leave you... I don't know how to keep you apart........ and I don't know how you do it..... make me fall in love with you every time I am with you... and every time it feels new......out of all the fights that we have....all the quarrels and arguments we go through....yet you make me love you more and more with every passing day...that we spend together. When there is love everywhere.....and all these moments around us.....I want to hold you in my arms...and count the seconds in your breath..... Hear your heart beat

Growing with time.......

"Chalte raho, apne rah pe chalte raho".....these words mean a lot. Life till now has given me a lot though I still haven't much seen of has also taken away a lot of precious things from me. "Whatever happens happens for the good" my mother keeps on telling me this. Life never stops for any body...time never waits for anybody. Its up to us whether we can keep pace with it and move with time or else lay back and watch time moving ahead of us. You are gone.. now I have moved on in life..... I tried to hold time in the fist of my hand.....didn't want to face the practicality of life. I wanted to remain the teenage school girl...momma's little daughter forever...n just freeze the time in my past. Obviously that surely wasn't possible and I had to open my eyes.....see the practical life. It is not easy accepting the things the way they are now but its not even that hard..... I have started to see things differently than the

Whiskey love......

Whiskey love..... She put him out, like a burning end of a midnight cigarette.....she broke his heart. He spend his whole life to forget. And we watched him drink his pain away.. little at a time..but he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind. Until that night...when he put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger..n finally drank away his is short..but this time it was bigger than the strength he had to get up on his knees..... we found him with his face down the pillow...with the note that said that "I'll love her till I die!!" and we burried him beneath the willow, where the angels cried.."its the whiskey love of life".... The rumors flew... but nobody knew how she blamed herself...for using you..... she tried to hide her whiskey on her breadth. she finally drank her pain..little at a time..but never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind...until the night....when she put that bottle to her head and pulled the tri
noye miche asha...... noye shudhu bhalobasha, noi akaron prem e andho.... jani tumi ami amader tori ajo shei bondhutto tomar chotto tori bolo amaye nebe ki?.......... chader alo jodi bhalo lage keno hoye jaye jhapsha? tomar ei tori jodi chole jaye fire ashbena joto bhalobashi tare dure..roye jabe tato ami jenechi ek paye nupur amar onno pa khali ek pashe sagor ek pashe bali tomar chotto tori bolo nebe ki?


The world all over seems so different.... And I feel so tired being here.....suppressed by all my childish fears..... I used to get captivated by your resonating light..... and now I am bound by the life that you have left behind and moved away way far...................... But your presence still lingers here and it wont leave me alone....... I have tried so hard to tell that you are gone bot still I keep on looking , searching and hoping that 1 day you might return.................... "These wounds wont seem to heal, this pain is just too real, There's just too much that time cannot erase" But still, never giving up, still hoping 1 day....... things will change and be the way I want them to be, 'm looking at the brighter side of all negative things around.......... . . . My college, which literally sucked the 1st day, is now the best place on earth......... New friends and meeting new people everyday, new teachers, new environment.......every

Like A Dream.

Like a dream it was....................hearing your voice after so many days....weeks.....months......... It still echoes in my mind..........every word you spoke....every syllable........your smile....your voice......your reactions.......your expressions........every sound that i could hear while speaking with you was crystal clear...................i could visualize you even though you are so many miles away from me............ like a dream I cant explain ............ like the sunshine in the rain love makes the whole world fall apart............... talkin about our lives environment friends...........but what i was hearing was just your voice that was speaking to me..............I couldnt hear anything else........ Sometimes the silence made me hear your heart beat................ As if the world is deep inside your soul......... . . . . . . . . . . again the silence .........again all the pain lashing back to my life which seemed for those few minu

BLEEDING LOVE .........believe.............just seems words now formed by the combination of few alphabets. They have lost their meaning for me now... I thought if I try I will be able to forget you. He loved me so much made me think that his love for me will make your chapter in my life fade away. But I was wrong I was not right. You are just not a chapter in my life you constitute the book of my life..... I feel guilty I feel sorry I want to apologize I feel helpless..................he loves me wid his whole heart and here I dont have my heart .......... My heart is pounded and crushed into millions and billions of peices and thier dust is lost ........and m here all lost finding every single peice of my heart trying to bring them together. But everytime I try to join them together I can still see the cracks on them how do I love him wid a broken and torn heart ....I dont noe! He has faith that one day I will go back to him but how do I beleive the word faith and t


Life is changing again........The clouds are moving away........the sun is shinning bright and I am no more numb!! I got someone who is in true love with me..... doesn't care about my past and what he knows that is he wants to be my present and we together will make our future.......... I feel the pains and sufferings that I had to go through all these 5 years are now vanishing and now again I am falling in love........... He is my luck, my fortune, my love and now my life.............. From the day I met him it seemed as if my luck is again shinning on me....................Exam went well, got through the college I wanted to be in and now again I am smiling forgetting my past.....I feel so light cause now he is living in my heart................ Sometimes I am just scared that may be all this is unreal and a dream and I don't wanna wake up from this dream.............................. Love at first sight seemed to be a joke for me can any body fall in


why didn't you understand? , why didn't you feel it?, why did you go away when you promised to be there?, why did you do this?, why did things turned around like this?, why did this happen?, why cant i go to the past and turn every thing right? I want answers of my questions I look at every possible man and ask them the reason for me being in such a state........but nobody could answer me.They just looked at me blankly and thought that I have gone mad...crazy. Can u tell me..... can u answer my questions. Do you remember me you still miss me the way I miss you every single you feel for me that way...the way you used to feel.............. You are going miles and miles away from me but still you are so close to me ...cause you live in my heart always....... You may forget me but how can I forget you ?? I close my eyes and there I see u standing just in front of me but when i open my eyes ....u are gone...somewhere


We were playing upon the sands by the sea, Talking, laughing, reflecting When all of a sudden I couldn't see you, I thought you were lost forever....... That you were drowning ..... I was frantic, I was scared with the fear of losing you!! I dived into the waves, again and again, Searching for you in vain.............. When I had given up hope and Decided to drown forever too, I saw you standing on the sands Calling me from behind," Here I am!!" Telling me that you were never lost in the ocean of infinity. That you were always with me with a cheeky smile on your face............... Then I woke up in the dream Before me lay empty pages and a pen But Words weren't enough, To tell what I had seen, Words were imperfect, empty and blank for me!! I lay down the pen, And only the empty pages were at all, And then I felt the feelings of me with an empty space Empty pages Empty spaces Semantic spaces are


Life is a maze and love is a riddle......and Its really very hard to solve this puzzle!!! everyday we meet different kinds of people and some become special to us ,with sum we make friends......with few we fight.....and some meetings just remain untouched in our lives!! I met u first time in my tuition . And as it is said first impression may not be the last impression . I say this because when i first met you I found u to be a person full of attitude and arrogant and no-body-is-of-my-kind/i-am-the-special kind of thinking person. I hated to talk to you and had decided that unless you speak to me I wont say anything to you. That day our tutor had asked to borrow the copy from you for some notes but then your disgusting handwriting was just illegible . When i said this to you I really thought u to say something very rude kind but you were unexpectedly soft, polite, calm and said that you will try to change it. The expression on your face, your politeness to me...........that day


The carefree days of our school life, the days filled with a lot of fun and masti are all on the verge of coming to an end. Life was beautiful in those days when we fought for stupid reasons and quarreled with each other for silly things... maybe just for getting the window seat in the bus while returning home. Life seems to come to an end with the farewell of the school but when I look forward and see the rising sun from the dark clouds it just seems to be a beginning of a new life , a new beginning. Life is too long but time is too short and the world is very small. So may be the friends we are saying goodbye and ta ta and toddles today and make promises to meet each other again after we are well established ,may not meet them again but it may also happen that the classmates and batch mates with whom we didn't really get well in the 14 years of school life.... when bump into each other after several years become friends and discover the bond that we were unable to find